

vendredi 4 novembre 2022

 Bonjour et bienvenue au 88ème challenge de

Hi and welcome to the 88th challenge at

L'automne a déjà plus d'un mois mais on ne le dirait pas, tant il fait chaud. Pourtant les feuilles des arbres nous rapellent qu'on est en novembre, alors voici un tableau de saison, histoire de ne pas perdre le nord!
Autumn is here for more than a month, and one couldn't believe it, it's so hot here. However trees leaves remind us we're in November, so here is a seasonal canvas, just not to be too disoriented! 

Je suis partie d'une moisson de feuilles (en tissu), de coques de fruits et d'écorce d'arbres, et de (faux) glands. Le fond de mon tableau est un carton recouvert de papier imprimé.
I started with gathering (fabric) leaves, trees shells and bark, and (faux) acorns. The background is a printed paper.
J'ai passé le papier au Gesso et encré les bords, collé les différents élements au gel medium, et passé le tout au Gesso blanc.
I coated the paper with white Gesso, as well as the elements, glued with medium gel.

Ensuite j'ai vaporisé de l'eau et saupoudré de Brushos dans différents tons.
Then I sprayed water and sprinkled different colours of Brushos.

Je vois que le rouge a surtout dominé...
In the end red overlooks...

Le Gesso permet de mettre en relief les différentes textures, que l'encre vient ensuite colorer.
The Gesso highlights the different textures, which ink then comes give colour.

Venez donc vous inspirer et rejoindre le reste de l'équipe sur le blog de 
Come get inspiration and  join the rest of the team at

A bientôt!


4 commentaires:

  1. Wow, your seasonal canvas is amazing! I love the autumnal pieces that you used, so beautiful 😊. Thanks for the inspiration and Happy November! Hugs Jo x

  2. A beautiful canvas Lys. The colours are so rich and a perfect representation of Autumn. The Brushos and gesso give such fabulous added texture to the wonderful elements you've used xx

  3. Love your autumn canvas Lys. Stunning as always. I love the texture of your canvas and the prefect chosen colours. Your autumn has been warm and we have 8 inches of snow and - 14 c tonight. Our beautiful trees did not get a chance to show much of their beautiful colours. Have a creative week. Hugs Judy

  4. Oh Lys this is beeeeeeeeeeeautiful. So much colour and love how you have used lots of different elements. Thanks for the awesome close ups showing the real colours in detail. This has come together so perfectly. Loooooooove it!


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