

vendredi 22 janvier 2016


Bonjour à tous!
Aujourd'hui j'ai le plaisir de  fêter avec vous le
100 ème article
de mon blog, et ses deux ans! (passés de quelques semaines...).
Today I'm happy to celebrate with you the 100th post of my blog, and its 2nd birthday! (some weeks ago...).
Que de chemin parcouru  dans mes créations, que de belles rencontres, que de portes ouvertes sur le monde (même si ce n'est que la blogosphère, il y a une personne devant l'ordinateur...)! 
Such a great journey for my creations, such beautiful meetings, opened doors on the world (even if it's just blogland, there's someone in front of  the computer...)!
Ce blog m'a permis de libérer ma créativité (de me lâcher, n'est-ce pas Florence?), d'oser montrer ce que je fais (merci Alison, Jenny...), de le partager (merci Laura, Claudia, Julia, Jennie, Shari, Ana, Candice, Jan, Laurie, Trish, Kerstin...), de continuer, encore et toujours à être inspirée (merci Tim, Alison, Heather, Anne, Brenda, Astrid, Anna, Nicola, Jools,  Lynn, Julia,  Pamellia, Sara Emily, France, Julie, Niki, Corinne, Françoise, Pascale, Nikki,... et tant d'autres...!).
This blog allowed me to release my creativity, to show what I make, to share it, to go on being inspired.
Merci à vous tous qui, à travers vos commentaires, ici ou de vive voix (merci à mes copines de Cart'en Scrap!) m'encouragez et faites vivre ce blog. 
Thanks to all of you who, through your comments, here or in person, support me and give life to this blog.

Pour vous remercier de façon plus amusante, voici un "giveaway": j'ai réuni quatre de mes pochoirs maison préférés, un pour chaque saison:
To thank you in a funny way, here is a Giveaway: I gathered four of my home made favourite stencils, one for each season:

L'hiver, Winter

avec le poinsettia que vous avez pu voir ici:
with the poinsettia you could see here:

Le Printemps, Spring,
avec le lierre,
(oups! je n'ai pas de photo à vous montrer!)
with the ivy
(oops, no photo to show you!)

l'Eté, Summer,
avec les bulles,  ou les fleurs sans nom
with bubbles,  or the namelesss flowers

et enfin l'Automne,
at last Autumn,
avec la pluie de feuilles mortes.
with the dead leaves rain.

Je vous propose de gagner cette petite collection, que j'ai intitulée 
"Les petits pochoirs de Lys". 
I offer you to win this small collection, that I named "The little Lys' s stencils".

Pour cela, laissez un commentaire à la suite de cet article, en me disant s'ils (et comment) ils vous inspirent... Si votre nom sort de mon chapeau... ils sont à vous!
For this please leave a comment here, telling me if (and how) they inspire you... if your name comes out of my hat... they are yours!

Bonne chance et à bientôt!
Good luck and see you soon!


10 commentaires:

  1. je te souhaite encore une longue vie à ton blog qui sait m’enchanter par ses belles créations !
    bravo et let's go again !!!

  2. j'ai oublié belles utilisations de ses beaux pochoirs , bravo !

  3. Congratulations to you Lys!! Hitting your 100th blog post and 2nd year anniversary in blogland is a milestone that you should be very proud of!! Not to mention your collection of Little Lys' Stencils!! LOVE THEM!! I love your 'Bubbles' stencil and the AJ page with your nameless flowers is one of my fav of your creations. Oh, don't get me started on your Poinsettia stencil--That could get turn into a Sunflower for summer!! :) :) Congratulations to you again my Dear Friend!! I'm a richer person for having you in my creative life!! :) :) XOXO-Shari

  4. Bravo Lysis pour toutes tes belles créations ! Je suis admirative devant toutes les techniques utilisées et ces "patouilles" qui mélangent les matières, les peintures et les encres..... Continue de nous faire rêver. Longue vie à ton blog ! Amicalement.

  5. What a lovely post Lys, is it really two years! Time passes so quickly, it really does not seem that long. Huge congratulations to you on your 100th post too. Your handmade stencils are beautiful and I am sure that everyone who sees them will be inspired. Thank YOU for your friendship and inspiration, long may it continue! Hugs, Anne xx

  6. Lys, this is such an inspiring post..... and congratulations on your 100th post!! I agree that blogland is a wonderful way to connect across the globe, and I am very happy to have come across yours! Thank you for all the beautiful inspiration, and for offering such a wonderful giveaway! xxx Lynn

  7. Whoot whoot on your 100th post! I am at 99 right now. Hehe! Congrats on sharing all of your beautiful creations and wonderful talent with us. Isn't Blogland great for expanding your horizons, and continents! :) Awesome sauce to you dearie! Hugz and I can't wait to see what the next 100 are! Carpe Diem! ~Niki

  8. bravo, pour ton aventure artistique, que de belles peux que dire continue encore et suis fan ,admirateur..,curieux de voir tes créations...,bravo,
    ...olé!Rodolphe REMY.

  9. Congratulations on your 100th post and on your 2nd (and a bit) birthday. I've enjoyed and admired your creations since that very first post, and am proud to have been on the journey with you all the way. What a wonderful post to read, and what a lovely original giveaway... your stencils are unique and so personal - ivy is one of my favourite things of all, and the bubbles and leaves are delicious - and the card you've made with the poinsettia is stunning. What a joy it would be to add these to the craft stash and play with them! Wishing you many more years of creativity and blogging.
    Alison xx

  10. Ah, Lys, Just the person I was thinking about, and those bubbles were fresh on my mind as I gaze at my beautiful Christmas card! How that has inspired me ever since the day I set eyes on it! Wow, I had no idea it was a homemade stencil you used, and what an honor to have something made from it in my own hands! Wow!

    I came to let you know Paloma had arrived, and I have given her a proper welcome and will be sending her on to her next home on the map next week. I have done a post, and you can see it at the link below :

    But now that I am here, I will just say I am forever inspired by your work, and if I were to be the lucky winner of your lovely HAND MADE stencils, I would be inspired by that crackle of Dead Leaves Rain! Oh my, how I love that! But each piece you have shown us here, as well as the 99 other posts are equally inspiring! I can honestly say there's never been a piece of your art work or a craft product I HAVEN'T been inspired by!

    Your adding my name to your list above has me all puffed up, but humbled at the same time, as it is listed here among so many other greatly talented artists and put into print by one of the finest! You bring tears to my eyes, my dear! Big hugs! And by the way Paloma is so beautiful, I want to give her a permanent home, but I know she must fly! If you love something let it go...


Merci pour votre commentaire!