

samedi 29 octobre 2016

Paloma chez Astrid!

Après Shirley, voici Paloma en Ecosse, chez la merveilleuse artiste Astrid, qui lui a fait un écrin de roses:
After Shirley, here is Paloma in Scotland, at wonderful artist Astrid's, who made for her a roses setting:

Plus encore, alors que Paloma a perdu dans son voyage une partie de ses bagages, son précieux carnet d'adresses, elle propose d'en refaire un: alors si vous voulez participer, accueillir Paloma au cours de sa longue mais belle mission, manifestez-vous ici!
Je vous laisse découvrir tous les détails sur le blog d'Astrid.
More, as Paloma lost a part of her luggage, her precious addresses booklet, she proposes to make  a new one. So if you wish to participate, host Paloma during her long but wonderful mission, just tell it here!
I let you discover all the details on Astrid's blog.
Have a nice week-end!

Bon week-end!

1 commentaire:

  1. Paloma looks wonderful in Astrid's bouquet of roses! It is such a shame that her passport has been lost though.... hopefully lots of others will join in through Astrid's blog. Anne xx


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