Il y a quelques mois, on annonçait que le Titanic risquait de disparaître, rongé par une bactérie. Qu'en restera-t-il, sinon la mémoire de vies tragiquement fauchées, transmise à travers les générations...?
Some months ago, they announced that Titanic was about to disappear, eroded by a bacterium. What will remain, except the memory of tragically knocked down lives, passed on through generations...?
Some months ago, they announced that Titanic was about to disappear, eroded by a bacterium. What will remain, except the memory of tragically knocked down lives, passed on through generations...?
J'ai imaginé un recoin de la carcasse du paquebot, encore préservé des courants et des micro-organismes affamés:
I imagined a nook in the liner's frame, still preserved from flows and hungry microorganisms:
I imagined a nook in the liner's frame, still preserved from flows and hungry microorganisms:
La rouille a envahi la tôle, mais les rivets tiennent encore.
Rust invaded the sheet metal, but the rivets still hold on.
Rust invaded the sheet metal, but the rivets still hold on.
Poussons la porte...
Let's push the door...
à l'intérieur, sur le sable, quelques restes (presque) intacts:
inside, on the sand, some (almost) intact relics:
inside, on the sand, some (almost) intact relics:
dans la cabine, la toile du portrait s'est détachée de son cadre, mais on devine encore la beauté de la dame au chapeau.
in the cabin, the canvas of the portrait came off from its frame, but one can still guess the beauty of the lady with the hat.
in the cabin, the canvas of the portrait came off from its frame, but one can still guess the beauty of the lady with the hat.
Le repas allait être servi sur le plateau,
The meal was to be served on the tray,
The meal was to be served on the tray,
quelques assiettes encore entières, et la clochette qui annonce le dîner:
some plates still whole, and the small bell which announces the dinner:
some plates still whole, and the small bell which announces the dinner:
Les motifs du fer forgé de la porte vitrée:
The wrought iron pattern of the glazed door:
The wrought iron pattern of the glazed door:
Refermons la porte... pour l'éternité.
Let's close the door... forever.
Let's close the door... forever.
* * *
La structure est une boîte en carton, peinte en noir, dont le couvercle a été évidé à la forme d'un blister rond.
The structure is a cardboard box, painted in black, which lid is cut following the round shape of a plastic blister.
The structure is a cardboard box, painted in black, which lid is cut following the round shape of a plastic blister.
Des rectangles d'adhésif aluminium sont découpés et embossés pour figurer les rivets. Ils sont ensuite collés sur le carton.
Aluminium tape rectangles are cut and embossed to shape the rivets. Then sticked on the cardboard.
Le fond est peint avec de l'acrylique bleue, verte, et du gesso noir.
The background is painted with blue, green and black acrylics.
The background is painted with blue, green and black acrylics.
La grille est découpée à la Caméo silhouette, peinte à la peinture 3D dorée, puis passée au Gesso noir. Elle est ensuite enduite par endroits de poudre Distress Rust, et d'acrylique bleue.
The metal gate is cut with Cameo Silhouette, painted with golden 3D paint, then with black Gesso. Then I put some Distress rust powder and blue acrylic paint touches.
The metal gate is cut with Cameo Silhouette, painted with golden 3D paint, then with black Gesso. Then I put some Distress rust powder and blue acrylic paint touches.
Le plateau a reçu aussi du Gesso, de l'encre Stazon, un peu de peinture bleue et de la poudre Distress.
The tray also received Gesso, Stazon ink, a touch of blue paint and distress powder.
The tray also received Gesso, Stazon ink, a touch of blue paint and distress powder.
Les assiettes sont faites à partir d'opercules de briques de jus d'orange, découpés et peints.
The plates are made from orange juice carton caps, cut and painted.
The plates are made from orange juice carton caps, cut and painted.
J'ai vieilli tous les objets de cette façon, je les ai installés sur du sable collé sur de la pâte texture sur le fond de la boîte. De l'encre à alcool rouge est passée sur les morceaux d'aluminium.
I aged all the objects like this, I glued them on texture paste covered with real sand. Red alcohol ink is used on the aluminium pieces.
I aged all the objects like this, I glued them on texture paste covered with real sand. Red alcohol ink is used on the aluminium pieces.
J'inscris ce petit mémorial aux challenges suivants:
Sandee and Amelie's Steampunk Challenge: Anything goes (here Industrial for Titanic)
Rhedd's Creative spirit: June's challenge
Mixed Media World: Anything mixed media goes
Altered Eclectics: June's challenge
The Mixed Media Monthly challenge: "A year of choices" ("#27 - travel")
A bientôt!